Sunday, February 5, 2012

Dear Connie

Dear Connie,
I didn’t plan to write you this letter this soon. Definitely not now, not today. You have heard enough from me, and I don’t want to bother you with mushy words wrapped in a fancy group of sentences on a nowhere-near from masterpiece piece of paper. However, once my eyes glanced to a blank piece of virtual page on my laptop’s screen, I felt like writing this for you. Telling you the words I barely had said to you. The usual normal words like an amateur conversationalist used to say. Surely my words are dull, and I have a feeling that you’ll end up sleeping in front of your computer reading this. Trust my intuition, my words are good.

Dear Connie,
To be honest, I actually have no idea what to tell you in this letter. I just feel like writing for you. I’ve got no question to ask, no answer to hear from. You just inspire me, that’s all I can tell you. You may think it’s overrated, but hey, inspiration comes from everywhere, can’t I help it if this time it’s you who’s inspired me? You may not have realized it, but having you appreciated this new thing I’ve been doing for these 2 weeks provokes my thought. With your own way, that simple appreciation is fancy an encouragement for me. And I thank you for that.

Dear Connie,
Sometimes I see myself as an occasional quitter, especially on something that’s quite new for me. I’m easily discouraged, easily demotivated. I’m not really the type who deals with negative feedback. That’s shallow, right? Thing is, I’m quite aware of that. So I look up on others to help me cope with this weakness I have. You may not know this, but you are one of those people I look up to, for this case in particular.

Dear Connie,
It’s raining now. Rain is usually my biggest inspiration. Rain and everything it brings. Rain and everything after. But this time, it’s you. Rain can always wait. But I think it’s its turn now, I should stop before I talk too much. That’s right, I only talk, without even asking and wondering about you. Forgive me for being quite selfish here, I might not be the type of person who asks, but I believe that I’m the one who listens. So tell me, I’ll be listening to your story.

February 2, 2012
― An Occasional Story Teller

PS: @Dear_Connie, You are not poetic. You are poetic-pedantic.

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